Epic Games has released the v12.20 update for "Fortnite Battle Royale" on Tuesday, March 17. The downtime for the patch started around 4 AM Eastern Time, and when it ended, players were able to check out all the new things that were added to it. The video game developer has released several new elements to the popular video game, including a new vehicle, the redesign of certain elements of user interface, and map changes.

During the first season of Chapter 2, Epic Games did not release many updates. Chapter 2, Season 1 was the longest season in "Fortnite Battle Royale" history, as it lasted for more than four months.

Fortunately, it appears that the video game creator is going to be releasing more updates in the current season, and the latest one shows us that there are big things in store.

The map will keep changing throughout the season

Two weeks after the first Chapter 2, Season 2 update, which was released on February 20, Epic Games released the v12.10 patch for "Fortnite Battle Royale." A new item, bug fixes, and small gameplay changes have come with this patch, but most importantly, the game developer also used it to change the in-game island. Notably, several helipads were added with the update, hinting at the addition of a helicopter.

Fast forward to March 17, and Epic Games has brought helicopters to "Fortnite Battle Royale." As many players had previously predicted, these vehicles spawn at helipads across the island.

Another prediction players had was about Pleasant Park and the soccer field. There is a secret base under the field, and the latest patch has opened it up, allowing players to use the helipad to take off.

The "Fortnite Battle Royale" developer has released an even bigger change to the Oil Rig. The new point of interest added with Season 2 has gone through an explosion, and it will be interesting to see if it will keep changing throughout the season.

Keep in mind, the Oil Rig is a home to TNTina, one of the five bosses, so there is a chance that the explosion has something to do with the storyline.

More changes

There have been two major updates in Chapter 2, Season 2 of "Fortnite Battle Royale," and both of them have brought map changes. We can expect Epic Games to keep changing the map for storyline purposes in the upcoming updates as well.

Not only would this bring a story to the current season, but it would also make the in-game island more interesting with constant changes.

It appears that the "Fortnite" developer has decided to release bi-weekly updates in the current season, so we can expect another one in late March or early April. Hopefully, Epic Games will go back to releasing more frequent updates just like it was the case before the new chapter.