Season 1 of Chapter 2 has been the longest season in "Fortnite Battle Royale" history, but it's finally coming to its end. It was originally scheduled to end in December 2019, around two months after its start, but Epic Games had decided to postpone it for "early February." However, this was not a final decision, and the video game developer released a patch in early February while moving Season 2 release date for February 20.

Now, less than a week until a new season, "Fortnite Battle Royale" players are still wondering what its theme is going to be. Epic Games hasn't revealed anything about it yet, which is expected, but data miners may have found the clue about the upcoming season. According to Forbes, the gold is going to play a major role in the next season, and it may also be added to the game as a building material.

Gold in the upcoming 'Fortnite' season

Epic Games released the v11.40 patch for "Fortnite Battle Royale" on January 15, 2020. This patch has brought many new cosmetic items to the game, including the Permafrost set which was later available in the Item Shop.

There was also one Legendary skin recovered from the game data and it's called "Oro" which means gold in Spanish. This is the only skin from the patch which hasn't been released to the game yet, and it will most likely be added in Season 2.

The leaked skin has multiple styles and is included in the Cryptic Curse set, the set that has a Legendary back bling and a skeleton dragon glider, both of which haven't been released yet. “Golden Treasure, an Eternal Obsession,” is the in-game description of the skin, which is another clue to the gold-themed season. Forbes writer Paul Tassi believes that this could be a Tier 100 skin of the Season 2 Battle Pass, and that may turn out to be true.

Many "Fortnite Battle Royale" players believe that Epic Games is trying to replicate the first chapter of the game with Chapter 2.

The leaked skin has a knight-looking armor, which was the case in Season 2 of the original chapter. The final skin of the first Season 2 Battle Pass was the Black Knight, which is still one of the most popular skins in the game.

Gold objects

Data miner Lucas7yoshi has found several gold objects in the game data which have been added with the v11.50 patch. There was also a gold prop that looks like a book, making many players believe that the gold could be a new building material released with Chapter 2, Season 2.

According to Forbes, there is a theory that these gold objects will soon start appearing at the central island. Eventually, the area will have gold structures, which is something that could happen either at the start of Season 2 or after a season-ending event.