Google launched its cloud-based gaming service Stadia with 22 games, but the company is slowly adding new titles to its new gaming service. This week, the tech giant company has confirmed plans to add three more titles to the new platform. The company also announced that Stadia will now play on all Chromecast Ultra devices.

The Mountain View-based company first announced its Google Stadia, which known in development as Project Stream, in October 2018.

The new gaming service was debuted through a closed beta with Ubisoft’s "Assassin’s Creed Odyssey." Google opened invitations to beta testers, providing access to "Assassin’s Creed Odyssey" as well as to the new gaming service. Stadia was officially released on November 29 in selected countries.

Google Stadia adding three more titles

To complete its current lineup, Google is adding "Borderlands 3," the popular action role-playing shooter game that was developed by Gearbox Software. However, the new Stadia version will be based on an earlier build of the multiplayer shooter game, according to The Verge.

The game publisher 2K Games didn't make any comment about why Stadia is getting an early build of the game. It also didn't state whether updates will be released for the new gaming service. But a new report from PC Gamer said that Stadia version would likely get the first expansion, endgame content, and the previously-released hotfixes in early next year.

The new gaming service is also adding Ubisoft’s newly-launched tactical shooter game, "Ghost Recon Breakpoint." But unlike "Borderland 3," the Ghost Recon port will bring some cool features onboard, like Stadia’s Stream Connect feature, which will allow players to stream their teammate’s viewpoints onto part of their screen.

"Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2," the popular fighting role-playing game from Bandai Namco, is also coming to the new gaming service.

This Japanese game will be joining Koei Tecmo’s "Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle," which already announced for Stadia. The two games will likely be an indicator of how Japanese and anime-based titles will perform on the new gaming platform, and if they prove to be successful game publishers, like Bandai Namco and Koei Tecmo, might consider adding more anime and manga-based titles to the new service.

Google Stadia will now support all Chromecast Ultra devices

The Mountain View-based company is not just adding new games to its new gaming service, it also brings the Google Stadia to all Chromecast Ultras, opening the new service to more people. On Twitter, the Google Stadia’s official account has posted the message, confirming reports of the release of the update to all Chromecast Ultra devices

In addition to that, players will also be able to stream games with Stadia on Google Pixel phones and Chrome OS tablets. There are also plans to expand Stadia to other devices, including the Mac platform, according to IGN.