Epic Games previously announced that they will introduce a skill-based matchmaking feature in “Fortnite: Battle Royale” as players will be pitted against other players who are almost as equally skilled as they are. The BR shooter’s player base is pretty much irked as of late, however, as they noticed that the feature seems to disregard the platform that they’re playing on.

'Fortnites' SBMM feature

The "Fortnite" BR community’s ire is pretty much evident in the game’s social media channels especially on Reddit as they talk about the new SBMM feature.

They also pointed out the fact that the mash-up of platforms was not even mentioned in v10.40’s patch notes.

Reddit user u/iBhagwan took to r/FortniteCompetitive to throw in his two cents about the feature. According to him, the real problem with the game’s SBMM is not being cross-platform but it’s because “stats do not translate well between platforms.” He stated that he plays the game on a mobile device and has a decent win rate of 25 percent. Nonetheless, if he comes across with a PC player with the same skill set, it is pretty much expected that he’ll be clapped most of the time.

The OP even ran some tests and teamed up with a friend who plays on a console where he also checked the stats of the players that he faced.

That said, he stated that he’s comparable to a 1.5-2.0 K/D player on console and probably way less of that on PC. The OP went on stating that stats would mean differently on what platform they’re on. He suggested that Epic should find the right formula to translate the statistics on cross-platform and “Fortnite’s” SBMM could work.

Gray area

U/Roshane5’s post over on r/FortNiteBR is also gaining some traction on that subReddit. According to the OP, the problem with the game’s SBMM is that good console player are somewhat in a gray area right now as it was pointed out that they’re better than most of their fellow console players, but are not at par with high-skilled PC players.

The OP added that such concern was only present in “Fortnite’s” Arena mode, but with the current state of the game, players don’t have the option to play on an even playing field.

Attached to the post was a screenshot of a tweet stating that if Epic wants to have SBMM in “Fortnite,” they should make it so that players should go up against people who are on the same platform so that other players don’t have an unfair advantage. The tweet even described PC players as if they are playing for $10 million.

At the time of writing, Epic Games has yet to address this emerging concern of their player base. Also, it remains to be seen if the developer would make some changes about it since they pointed out that they’re still monitoring the said “Fortnite” feature.