As soon as “Fortnite’s” latest update (V9.30) went live, dataminers went on a mad rush checking the game files to see what interesting stuff can be dug up. The patch brought in a new set of upcoming cosmetics that will be introduced in the battle royale shooter in the coming days. One of them is a brand new emote known as the Deep Dab. That said, a well-known YouTuber recently uploaded a video to point out that the emote originated from him.

It was Jack’s

Jack Douglass - popularly known on YouTube as Jacksfilms, recently made a short clip featuring the above-mentioned emote.

According to Jack, it was he who devised what “Fortnite” now calls the Deep Dab. He even showed a 20-second clip ("my lowest, deepest dab"), from a couple of years back, as proof that the move originated from him.

Upon seeing the emote in action, the YouTuber said, “That’s me man, that’s my low dab, that is my deep dab!” Jack doesn’t seem to be upset about what he just discovered albeit saying that both “Fortnite” and Epic Games did not notify him about it, that he had no prior knowledge that such a move would be added to the game.

Jack also made a side by side comparison of the emote and the clip that he uploaded back in June of 2017.

He said that it’s the same thing - that it’s like he went to the developer’s studio, donned a mocap suit, and re-enacted the move.

Code: realjacksfilms

He then pointed out that it was his fans who brought it to his attention as they sent out the supposed leaks. This prompted him to make a creator code – realjacksfilms (jacksfilms was already taken) as he further explained that the game will be putting the emote behind a paywall and might as well “benefit from it a little bit.” He went on saying, “I figured out that it’s only fair since, you know, that’s my move.”

Jack made a follow up on his dabbing video later that year where he did what he calls his slowest and longest dab. It’s basically the same as the first only longer.

Minor patch

Meanwhile, Epic just rolled out another update that addresses an issue where traps in the game tend to change colors after being placed. It also addressed both login and stability issues in the game that has irked a lot of players these past days. There will be no downtime for this patch, though players are required to download it

The developer has officially introduced the new Chug Splash, in “FortniteBR, allowing players to heal themselves and others during the game. Per the patch notes, the throwable item splashes liquid in a small area and players who are inside its splash radius will be bestowed with either 20 health or 20 shield. It can also heal enemies, in the game, and can even prolong the knock state of knocked players.