“Fortnite’s” World Cup Online Open Qualifiers officially kicked off last April 13 as players vie for millions in cash prizes. However, there are still a few folks out there who take advantage of cheats and take away other players’ chances of winning the World Cup.
The Esports and gaming collective Team Kaliber recently took to Twitter to announce that they’ve cut ties with pro gamer Johnathan Kosmala who also goes by the handle Jonny K.
This after they’ve learned of the player’s cheating incident during “Fortnite’s” World Cup Qualifiers.
According to Kaliber, they were shocked about it adding that the violation is serious thus ending their relationship with the pro-gamer. They went on apologizing to their supporters for Jonny’s lapse in judgment.
Caught red-handed
The YouTube channel, known as The Fortnite Guy, recently uploaded a video showing screenshots of the Discord conversation between Jonny K and the hacker. Per these images, Jonny (named himself as Bigboy on the alternate chat) stated that he’s “looking to get a competitive advantage” for the qualifiers as the pro-gamer further explained that he’s looking for an ESP cheat that’s undetectable by the game.
The hacker initially thought that Jonny was looking for an aimbot cheat to which the player clarified that it’s not what he’s asking for. He even revealed that he’s with a big organization adding that once he’s caught, his life is ruined (it actually is now).
A screenshot of Jonny’s PayPal transaction of him paying what the hacker asked was also shown in the video. To prove that it was indeed Jonny’s email that was used in the payment process, The Fortnite Guy even made a donation over on the pro-gamer's Twitch stream and got the same email address that was used in the transaction.
Fortnite Guy’s clip also featured the moment Jonny trying to run the cheat in the game and was immediately kicked out from it.
The YouTuber also compared Jonny’s voice from one of his streams and the one that can be heard while using the cheats.
According to Fortnite Intel, Jonny was signed to Team Kaliber in August of last year. Other players have also pointed out that he’s an “Apex” pro and has the pro role within the Apex Discord.
Iron Man hint
Meanwhile, it may well seem that another Marvel-Fortnite crossover could be in the works if Creative Director Donald Mustard’s recent tweet is anything to go by. Last April 13, Mustard tweeted out a photo of “Avengers: Endgame” star Robert Downey Jr. donning a “Fortnite” shirt alongside an Iron Man necklace.
This has caught the attention of many players including Dakotaz, Ali-A, and even The Game Award’s Geoff Keighley. Mustard has this somewhat of a track record in teasing stuff in “Fortnite.” With that in mind, it looks like players will be getting another treat from Epic and Marvel.