After a long and busy day and finally at the comfort of your home couch, do you get your remote to catch up with the latest news or you grab your console and play your favorite game? To all gamers, especially the lovers of PlayStation 4, there is some good news for you all.
PlayStation 5 is almost here, and it’s expected that Sony will unveil the new console between 2019 and 2021.
According to Tech Radar, the PS4 is almost reaching the end of its life cycle. That means one thing, Sony is turning another tide in the gaming industry, the PS5.
According to a report by Express UK, Sony has already confirmed the great news and the fans are really excited. The giant company also hinted about the time the successor of PS4 might be released. It has been predicted that the console will be out probably by 2020
PlayStation 5 is the next-generation console
However, while many await the latest Sony console, the PS4 remains one of the best performing consoles since it was launched in 2013 and it still has a significant amount of life left in it.
The PS4 Pro was released just recently, and so if Sony releases the PS5 this year, they will shoot themselves in the foot.
Even though Sony is holding back the juiciest details about the PS5, Sony Interactive Entertainment’s CEO, Shawn Layden confirmed that the company was working on a next-gen console. Sony Interactive CEO, John Kodera had also revealed back in May that the PS5 would be released by at least 2021, that’s according to Tech Radar.
Michael Patcher said that it’s likely the console will be released in 2020, and he thought that at the time, PS4 Pro will be the base model and it will become cheaper. Express UK reports, it is rumored that PS5 dev kits have already been distributed to game makers ahead of the much-awaited launch.
The PS5’s predecessor, the PS4 is still the most used console
According to Value Walk, the sales of PS4 consoles receded in 2017 compared to a year before at a fall of 15 percent. Even though that is a small indicator that the PS4 is slowly losing its grip in the gaming world, it sends a smoke sign to Sony and the executives are considering a console that can sweep the market of its feet.
Another factor to consider is the Xbox rivalry. The PS4 range’s user base is much higher than Microsoft Xbox, and the Japanese electronics giant can take their time before releasing the PS5. However, they will need to build a console that is technically superior to Microsoft’s Xbox One X. We can only wait and hope that Sony releases the console as anticipated.