Season 6 of "Fortnite" has finally reached the Hunting Party week, so if you've completed all the previous challenges, then completing this week's challenges will unlock the new legendary robotic outfit "A.I.M." This week's challenges aren't hard, but if you're a newbie, some of them might not be easy for you to complete. More items were also added in a patch.

Week 7 challenges

If you are new to "Fortnite," then you must note that the first three challenges, and the respective rewards, can be obtained without owning the battle pass. The rest of the challenges can be unlocked once you buy the battle pass for this season.

There is also a rumored aerial vehicle that might be an airplane. Below are the challenges for this week.

Search 7 ammo boxes: Although this challenge might look easy to some players, if you're not familiar with the "Fortnite" map, you might find it hard to complete this one. If you're not good at aiming, you'll need to join a skilled squad and head straight to the depot in Dusty Divot. The ammo boxes can be found in metal shelves and under the stairways.

Deal headshot damage: You don't really need a sniper for this challenge, just grab an assault rifle and try to gain high ground on your opponent so that it's easy to take a headshot.

Deal damage in a single match: This one is hard and has three stages.

You'll need to do 300 damage in the first stage, 400 in the second, and 500 in the third one.

Destroy Trees/Rocks/Cars: This one doesn't need any explanation. You'll need to destroy 50 trees in the first stage, 25 rocks in the second, and 10 cars in the final stage.

Skydiving through loops: Don't confuse skydiving with gliding, you have to skydive through the loops in this challenge which is quite easy, just jump from the battle bus and you'll see loops all over the map.

Consume apples: The first stage can be completed by taking some damage and eating apples. In the second and third stage, players will have to heal 60HP though bandages and 100HP though medkits. You'll need to heal at least 60HP though Slurp Juices in the final stage.

Eliminate opponent in Pleasant Park: Just land at Pleasant Park in solo mode and eliminate some enemies, and if you're skilled, you can complete this challenge in one go.

Disco Domination replaces Blitz LTM

We've only had the Blitz limited time mode for three days, and it's already leaving the game. "Fornite" announced that it will be replacing the Blitz LTM with Disco Domination, so I guess there isn't going to be any solo Blitz for a while now.