Massive “Fortnite” streamer Ninja is in the spotlight, yet again, after he got eliminated by another streamer and accused that player of stream sniping. The streamer being accused of such activity has recently uploaded a response video to his side of the story. Tfue definitely had some interesting things to say about Ninja.
The controversy started in a simple match, where Ninja got eliminated by a streamer named IcyFive/51L (@51LYouTube) and reported the player for stream sniping after performing an emote.
Prior to this, Dr. Lupo could be heard in the background saying “watch for the emote.” It's also worth noting that Bogdan Akh passed away.
Per Dexerto, it appears that Lupo could be referencing in “Fortnite” BR where they do an emote whenever they notice that other players are spectating them after a kill. However, Ninja took it in a different way and began ranting about what Icy did. He even said on his stream that he’ll be going out of his way to get the player banned. Fans were also not spared from his rage rant, as he advised those who disagree with him unsub from him and subscribe to someone else.
The Twitter drama
IcyFive was worried when he learned that his account could get banned. In one of his tweets, he stated that he’ll be mad if he gets banned from playing “Fortnite” for something that he didn’t do. He went on, stating that it looks like emoting on someone in the game is already a bannable offense.
In his other tweet, he further explained that there were six people watching when he eliminated Ninja. Lupo seemed to back up Icy’s defense stating that he didn’t think he sniped, adding that it was all good on his end. Ninja then tweeted an apology about what happened, though he told Icy to stop playing the victim and stop milking the situation.
His response video
Icy made a video explaining his side of the story, and he claimed that he was playing alongside two of his friends and a random kid, who they are helping to get a Victory Royale.
He added that he saw a player who “wasn’t moving at all” and eliminated him using an AR. The time that he knew that it was Ninja, who he “lasered,” was when he began getting messages that he eliminated the popular streamer and tried to get him banned.
Ninja also responded to the hate that he’s been getting lately, saying that fans should know who they’re defending. He also stated that Icy has old accounts where there are videos showing him stream sniping. The streamer went on, saying that everyone should take a deep breath and look at the facts.