"Fortnite's" Galaxy skin, which is exclusive to Samsung's latest device owners, is being bundled with additional cosmetic items soon. Earlier this year, the Galaxy skin which is exclusive to Samsung Galaxy S9 and Tab S4 owners was used as a method of promotion for the devices and now data miners leaked new content for the device owners mentioned in the latest patch.

New items

According to Dexerto, the information was leaked on Wednesday, 24 October by the data miners and they stated that the new skin pack includes brand new Galaxy themed glider, pickaxe, and a back bling

These will be called the "Galactic Disc" Back Bling, the "Celestial Glider" and the "Stellar" Harvesting Tool.

There is no official news from Epic Games about the addition of these items to the game, although Samsung has confirmed that the Galaxy kit will be available from Thursday, November 1.

Unfortunately, it seems like these new items are also a part of the Galaxy skin promotion of Samsung Galaxy devices, and Samsung has confirmed that the items will be exclusively available to people who purchased Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 and the Galaxy Note 9. The good news is that those people who already own the Galaxy skin won't have to buy another device because these new items will be added to their accounts for free. Currently, the Galaxy Note 9 starts at $999 and the Galaxy Tab 4 is priced at $650.

New Ghoul Trooper skin and the Scythe

"Fortnite" players who log in tonight are in for a surprise because the game is featuring the new Ghoul Trooper skin alongside the old Scythe harvesting tool in the store. It really unusual for the store to feature a rare and uncommon item on the front, instead of a legendary and epic item.

The new Brainiac skin is the male version of the Ghoul Trooper which was only featured in the store during last year's Halloween. "Fortnite" kept the new skin uncommon, because, to be honest, it's just a recolor of the default skin.

Although the Skull Trooper returned to the store along with a new, updated Scythe a while ago, those fans who missed the chance of buying the original Scythe can pick up the classic Reaper from the store right now for only 800 V-Bucks.

"Fortnite's" Fortnitemare event is in full bloom right now and it offers the Dark Engine glider rewards upon the completion of the new set of challenges specific to the ongoing event, so even non-paying players can unlock new items just by playing the game.