Epic Games has just rolled out patch notes for update V4.4 as it introduced the Thermal Scope Assault Rifle to be added to the roster of Battle Royale weapons. Not long after it was released, leaks of upcoming skins, emotes, and loading screens have been spilled to the game's fandom. including how the Blockbuster skin looks like.
TwoEpicBuddies (@DieBuddies) recently took to Twitter to reveal what they've just uncovered within the "Fortnite" game files.
Per the German duo, four of the upcoming skins will be named Visitor, Dark Eagle, WWII Pilot, and Dark Ninja. Images of these new outfits were also posted, though it's not yet sure which one is which. Eight soccer-themed skins were also spotted by the leakers. However, V-Buck prices for these soon to be released cosmetics are yet to be disclosed.
Blockbuster skin is at hand
In line with this, a couple of loading screens (for weeks seven and eight) were also dug up by TEB. What made these even more interesting is that it may well have shown the much-awaited Blockbuster skin. Week 8's loading screen only showed the back portion of the new outfit, but the other one clearly shows how it looks like.
New Back Blings, Pickaxes, and Gliders were also brought to light, though their names and prices were not mentioned.
As mentioned, additional details about these leaks are still scarce at the time of writing. Blasting News will be keeping an eye on this as soon as new intel drops.
Update V4.4: Goodbye Jetpack, hello Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle
Going back to the new assault rifle, it is now available in the Battle Royale mode of the game and it has Epic and Legendary iterations. The weapon's description, in a report by Epic Games, states that it has a base damage of 36-37 and uses medium ammo. As the weapon's name suggests, it can spot an enemy's heat signature and can even see Supply Drops and Chests.
Players can obtain this weapon via Chests, floor loot, and Supply Drops.
The latest patch also increased the maximum range of weapons from 250 meters to 275 meters, as this is to match the distance that players are visible. A couple of Limited Time Modes will also be returning alongside this update (Sniper Shootout V3 and 50V50 V3) as both LTMs' mechanics were tweaked yet again by Epic. This is a sad day for "Fortnite" folks who enjoy the Jetpack, though as it was mentioned in the update that it was already vaulted.