The latest updates for "Overwatch" reveal the possible release date for the game's second "Anniversary" event. A trailer from the "Anniversary" event has been leaked online and it featured a new pirate-themed character skin for Junkrat. The first Anniversary event skin delivered tons of new exotic and legendary character outfits that led to player grinding their way throughout the game to unlock these items.

Sony made a statement regarding the allegations of taking profits from the new Pink Mercy skin. Blizzard Entertainment released a new character skin for Mercy for breast cancer awareness and all proceeds will be given to charity.

Next anniversary event

The leaked trailer revealed that the second "Anniversary" event of "Overwatch" will start on May 22 in the consoles and PC platforms. The video also revealed Junkrat's new pirate skin to match Roadhog's Sharkbait skin. The costume sees the latter sporting dreadlocks and a green bandana, two crossed cutlasses on his back, and a ship's steering wheel that acts as his RIP-tire finisher.

Video game fans are dubbing Junkrat's new skin as "Captain Junk Sparrow," but other players believed that Blizzard Entertainment will change its name or probably take the skin out. Last year's "Anniversary" event was the least successful in-game event of "Overwatch" due to its straightforward game modes such as "Lockout Elimination" and "Dual Lockdowns."

Blizzard is hoping that this year's event will be a success to compensate for last year and to keep "Overwatch" fans happy with tons of new loots to unlock. The video game publisher heard the cries of the fans and will do whatever it takes to deliver the best experience they will have in the game.

Pink Mercy controversy

According to Sony, they did not take any profit from the Pink Mercy skin in "Overwatch" after players called out the company on different social media accounts.

It was pointed out on the PlayStation 4 sales package that Blizzard Entertainment will deliver proceeds that it received from Sony, while the Xbox will donate a 100 percent of their purchase for players who bought the skin. This led to people believing that Sony is taking a cut from it and they will not give any of it to charity.

There has been speculation that the discrepancy between the cost and donate amount in the VAT led to the controversy, but Sony has not yet made a response to it. For now, players can still buy the Pink Mercy skin in online stores.