Epic Games has just rolled out their latest State of Development blog post for "Fortnite" and it detailed what's up ahead for the game's massive player base. There were also tidbits of alleged leaks that came out and it spilled what could be the name of the massive leviathan that is believed to be coming out of the huge glowing rock in Dusty Divot.
"Fortnite" faithfuls might remember the Reddit leakster, u/internetadam, who dropped a bomb of a leak regarding the game's current season.
He's back at it again with a couple of new details about what's likely going to happen in the battle royale mode of the game.
According to the Redditor, he claims that Moisty Mire will be 80 percent destroyed by the giant leviathan skin dubbed as G'gOk/Go gOk. He even stated that he is 95 percent certain that it will come out of the glowing meteor that crashed in Dusty that officially kicked off "Fortnite's" Season 4."
They somewhat tally
Such a narrative coincides with another leakster (whose account was later on deleted) as it also stated that there will be a couple of limited time modes (LTM) to be released at the tail end of season 4.
If the leaks are anything to go by, the first LTM will be 50v50, though one team will be taking control of the leviathan as they have to guide it towards Wailing Woods or Greasy Grove.
The same thing goes with the other game mode. However, there will be a hero for each team as it is believed to be named as "Omega vs Alpha" or "Omega vs Charlie" (Alpha/Charlie is the Blockbuster skin). There was also a part in the post that suggests Save the World will be free mid-season 5.
About the Jetpack
Going back to Adam, he admitted that he made a slip-up with the Jetpack as he stated early on that it will be scrapped by Epic. He said that he was never told about the item before he got fired, though he pointed out that Epic folks were discussing it and thought that it would not push through.
He even went on, stating that the developer is testing the waters to see if its player base would like the idea or not. If the Jetpack is well-received by players, the item stays. Otherwise, it will be shelved.
A couple of weeks back, Adam already leaked that the game's refund system will be making a comeback, though he's not quite sure as to when the feature will be back. He even revealed that the BR mode will be getting a map extension next month (June 15 specifically) and is hoping that Epic won't notice his post and change the date. Check out a video about "Fortnite" here: