Most "Fortnite Battle Royale" players were disappointed when Epic Games revealed that a jetpack would be added to the popular video game. This happened a few months ago and the game developer said the item would be "coming soon" to the game. However, the jetpack didn't make it to "Fortnite Battle Royale" as the developers apparently found a design glitch that needed to be fixed.

For a few months, players haven't received any new details about this item, but the latest datamined files suggest that a jetpack could be soon added to the game. Considering that Epic Games has already added low-gravity rocks to "Fortnite Battle Royale," it won't be surprising if we see another item that boosts players' verticality. Without further ado, let's check what the dataminers have discovered regarding the new item.

Jetpack's presence in game files

Twitter users who go under a name @TwoEpicBuddies on the popular social network have recently dug some interesting details regarding a jetpack.

These items were found in "Fortnite Battle Royale" game files, or more specifically, they were found within a UI folder.

As it can be seen from the screenshots above, a jetpack item has been added to the game files, but it's still unknown when the game developer is planning to release it. JetpackFuelGauge.uasset file indicates that the item will be using fuel, which means that it won't have an unlimited duration. Many "Fortnite Battle Royale" players believe that the item will be usable only for a few seconds, and once fuel runs out, the item will disappear from the inventory.

Epic Games hasn't revealed any details about the item, so no one knows for sure how it works. For now, all we can do is wait for more information, although many players will be displeased to learn that this item could be added to the game soon.

Map changes

Epic Games had added some subtle map changes in the second week of Season 4. For example, Dusty Divot has a few different structures and it seems that grass is growing in this area. Additionally, there is a mysterious hatch players can find in Wailing Woods.

While many "Fortnite Battle Royale" players are trying to figure out what this all means, we all know that the game developer is preparing something big. Considering there are almost two more months left until the end of the ongoing season, it is still too early to make a correct prediction. However, many players are excited to see what Epic Games has in store for them, and it will be interesting to finally see it.