"Fortnite" faithfuls who are artistically inclined have been pitching in some character/item ideas for the game. A new character suggestion has caught the attention of most players and even the famous Twitch streamer where the hero was based on.
An 'evolving' Ninja skin?
A "Fortnite" fan (/u/maxmarlive) recently took to the FortniteBR subreddit to show a character design in hopes that Epic notices it.
Per the Reddit post, it's a skin idea based on the Twitch streamer Ninja. However, unlike other character pitches, the Redditor detailed an interesting feature of the cosmetic as the short clip suggests that the character will be evolving whenever it reaches a certain number of enemies being taken down.
The concept was well-received by the "Fortnite" community as it raked in quite a number of upvotes. As mentioned, Ninja took notice of it and tweeted the post. He even called out Epic's PR man Nick Chester and its Associate Director of Marketing/Partnerships Wes Phillips about the fan suggestion.
A member of the subreddit, on the other hand, commented that this idea is quite plausible as he pointed out that it can be seen on some "Unreal Tournament" skins. Another fan also stated this so-called evolving feature can already be observed in a couple of pickaxes in the game (Rainbow Smash and the Candy Axe).
A Drake-themed emote
Prior to this, another fan (/u/Dylan_0202) also posted a suggestion on the same subreddit that somewhat pays homage to Ninja and Drake's recent stream collaboration. The post was an emoticon depicting the rapper's famous dance move in his "Hotline Bling" music video. It was very much evident that the "Fortnite" player base was down with the idea as it was upvoted for over 20,000 times, not to mention that the emote could be introduced in the game in future updates as Epic commented on the post stating that such idea was already noted.
'Blitz' slated to go live today
Meanwhile, the new limited time mode dubbed as "Blitz" will go live today in "Fortnite" as it was previously teased alongside the release of update v.3.3.0. Per the game mode's description, the match will kick off with the storm circle closing in over the island. This will result in faster and more intense matches with a maximum match length of 15 minutes. "Blitz" will also have a tweaked loot availability and doubled harvesting resources. Check out a video about the game below here: