Epic Games had a big surprise for Xbox One players a few days ago as the company announced that the console would get cross-play and cross-progression features. These features have been present on PlayStation 4 for a few months, but now the Microsoft console has it as well. Unfortunately, cross-play is possible only between console players and PC or mobile players, but this is something that could be changed soon.

Many "Fortnite Battle Royale" players on console want cross-play between PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Considering that the game developers recently enabled cross-play feature for Xbox One, it won't be surprising if they take it one step further.

A few days ago, Epic Games and Microsoft made it clear that they want cross-play between these two rival consoles, which makes it seem that Sony has the final say in this matter.

PS4-XB1 cross-play

Twitter user @ddokkabae tweeted to Phil Spencer, head of Xbox, regarding the cross-play between PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The Twitter user said how console players want this feature, and he received a reply. Spencer simply tweeted "Me 2," which is something that made "Fortnite Battle Royale" console players very excited.

Things got even more interesting after Epic Games joined the conversation. The company tweeted from the official "Fortnite" account on Twitter, saying that they want this cross-play feature as well.

Judging from these tweets, it looks like the ball is in Sony's court. Both Microsoft and Epic Games want the inter-console cross-play, and if Sony allows it, console players will be finally able to match up against each other. Back in September last year, Epic Games accidentally enabled cross-play between the two consoles, which made it clear that this was possible to be done.

However, it was quickly turned off, and it's unclear whether it will come back again.

Will Sony do it?

Back in 2011, Microsoft had a dominant position in console sales as Xbox 360 was sold much better in the US than its rival and Sony's console, PlayStation 3. Back then, it was Sony who wanted the feature between the consoles, but Microsoft rejected the idea.

Seven years later, tables have turned, and Sony is now dominant on the console market. As of February 2018, PlayStation 4 has a 60 percent console market share, while Xbox One is far behind with only 29 percent. From a business perspective, it makes no sense for Sony to allow PS4 players to play with or against Xbox One players, so unless they figure out how to make profit from it, it is very unlikely that these two groups of gamers will be able to share "Fortnite Battle Royale" lobbies.