Some days ago, Epic Games rolled out another "Fortnite" update that ushered in improvements and bug fixes in the game. One of the improvements that were added include the AutoRun feature. While most of the player base enjoy this latest addition, there are still some who find it is getting in their way of playing the game.

A physically challenged fan's simple request

A "Fortnite" player and Redditor (RAOBJ Sheff) recently took to Fortnite BR's subreddit to make a request to both the community and Epic Games to help him out in his current situation.

Early on in his post, he revealed that he is physically challenged (only has one hand). He went on describing how he plays the game as he stated that he uses his right hand, face and a stand to navigate the third-person shooter. He further explained that the new AutoRun feature is quite an inconvenience for him as he claims that he dies way more often as he constantly falls off walls, and out of buildings. That being said, he made a simple suggestion to at least have an option where he can turn off the new feature.

Lending a helping hand

As mentioned, he asked the subreddit community to have his post get as many upvotes for it to be noticed by Epic.

Members of the Fortnite BR immediately responded and got his first request granted (over 9,000 upvotes at the time of writing). It was not long after he posted his request that the game maker took notice of the post and assured him that they'll be working on putting an option to disable the AutoRun.

Epic's timely response to that "Fortnite" player was commended by members of the subreddit that it gained over 8,000 upvotes. A fan even commented that such a gesture will keep him playing the game and its contents. The player hopes that the developer won’t lose sight of them as they will continue to support Epic's endeavors in return.


Meanwhile, the developer also addressed some bugs that were rolled out alongside last week's update (version 2.3.0).

Some of the known issues that they've stumbled upon include reloading issues, players stuck in aim down sight (ADS), and visual bugs with building selector UI. Epic was quick enough to resolve most of the issues in the recent patch (version 2.3.2) that went over the weekend and are still working on the remaining bugs.

For further details about the recent update, players might want to visit "Fortnite's" official website. Check out a video about the game here: