Some days ago, "Fortnite" players were irked by the fact that most of them were not able to log into the game. Epic Games, later on, identified the cause and revealed that this issue is connected to Intel's recent Cpu debacle.
Meltdown woes
As mentioned, the "Fortnite" player base was somewhat barred from accessing the third-person shooter that got a lot of them frustrated. The developer immediately acknowledged the issue and even took it to Twitter alongside its root cause. Per the recent tweet, Epic stated that their cloud services were affected by an update which is a requisite to alleviate its meltdown vulnerability.
They also gave a heads up to its community stating that service issues may still pop up from time to time since the updates are still ongoing. They also posted a chart on their website showing how the update affected the CPU usage in one of their back-end services.
For the uninitiated, Meltdown – alongside Spectre are recently discovered bugs that are said to be exploiting critical vulnerabilities in modern processors. These weak spots allow attackers to steal sensitive data that are being processed by the computer. These bugs pose a serious threat not only to PCs and cloud services but also to mobile devices. That being said, Epic advised the "Fortnite" community to take the necessary steps to secure themselves from these threats and staying updated with the latest game patches.
PSA: Our cloud services were affected by updates required to mitigate the Meltdown vulnerability. We rely on cloud services to run our backend and we may experience further service issues in the next few days due to ongoing updates.
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) January 5, 2018
Additional info:
@Fortnite_Update service issues are still bound to happen...
— Rusted Gamer (@cruzerwin126) January 9, 2018
In line with this, chip maker Intel recently announced at this year's Consumer Electronics Show (CES) that software fixes for their bugged processors/microchips will be deployed in the next few days.
Chief Executive Brian Krzanich assured their consumers that 90 percent of their chips from the past five years will be fixed "within a week."
Another glitch
In other related news, a game glitch was also observed by a number of players where after they eliminated an enemy and proceed to get their dropped weapons and items, a lag usually occurs before they can even snag the loot.
Other players pointed out that the glitch has been irking them for weeks now adding that it's the body of the fallen enemy that gets lagged for about five seconds.
@FortniteForum new glitch?
— Rusted Gamer (@cruzerwin126) January 9, 2018
Some of them even claimed that the console's auto-aim feature still reacts to the bugged opponent. Epic, on the other hand, still has to address the issue as they are asking members of the FortNiteBR subreddit for a video of the glitch in action. Check out a video about "Fortnite" here: