The latest updates for "Star Wars Battlefront 2" reveal the first DLC expansion of the game based on the upcoming movie, "The Last Jedi." Electronic Arts streamed the official trailer for the expansion and it featured new settings, vehicles, and two playable heroes in the Star Wars franchise.
EA also confirmed that the sequel's microtransactions will not be featured following the outcry over the game's progression system and video game fans felt that it has become a "pay to win" scenario.
DLC release date and features
EA announced that "The Last Jedi" DLC will launch in "Star Wars Battlefront 2" on Dec.
13 for the consoles and PC platforms. The first expansion will feature Finn and Captain Phasma as playable heroes, and they will each have their own unique skills and weapons in the game.
There are also two new playable units in the game and they are the Rebel Pilot and ARC Trooper. The Rebel Pilot is equipped with a proton launcher, an R5-D4 shield, and the ability to call in X-Wing strikes. The ARC Trooper is described as a mix of heavy-hitter and a specialist, adding a new dynamic on its gameplay.
The DLC will feature a new Galactic Assault map on Crait, Star Fighter Assault map on D'Qar, and Tallie's X-Wing fighter. The single-player story mode has been expanded as players will return to the role of Inferno Squad's commander, Iden Versio, and fight the New Order in a new mission called "Resurrection."
Players will have a chance to choose between the New Republic and the First Order.
Once they have chosen a side they are rewarded special weekly faction quests and achieve higher rewards for their group. The first challenge will have players kill 50 enemy units with each trooper class.
Other new challenges and special events will be announced this month, including a holiday playlist on Dec. 27.
No more microtransactions
EA's chief financial officer Blake Jorgensen stated during the 37th Nasdaq Investor Conference that they may have dropped the microtransaction plans for "Battlefront 2" in order to focus on the progression system in the game. The video game publisher also announced new changes on the progression system and players will expect new updates soon.
Video game fans were outraged by the "pay to win" system of the sequel as they are forced to buy rare and powerful in-game weapons, Star Cards, and gear with real money currency. The microtransactions have also affected the sequel's sales by 60 percent when compared to the first game.