Bungie recently canned the scheduled live stream for "Destiny 2's" "Curse of Osiris" DLC to address some community concerns about the game, especially as its XP roll out. Instead, the developer just released a teaser video as it provided a sneak peek at what weapons and armor to expect from the upcoming game segment.

New stuff spotted

Per the video, quite a lot has been spotted in terms of new items since the supposed third live stream would have heavily focused on that aspect of the game.

As mentioned, new weapons, armor, and even a couple of new emotes were seen in the short sizzler reel.

The solar-themed trace rifle – that was previously spotted in earlier videos was teased yet again. Details about this are still hard to come by, though fans are expecting that this will sport some unique perks and not just an elemental tweaked variant of the Coldheart.

The Colony - which is an exotic grenade launcher, was also spotted. The teaser showcased more clearly how it spat a robotic spider that chased after a guardian and blew up upon contact. Bungie's DeeJ even tweeted that this new weapon "is a ton of fun." Just imagine the havoc it can wreak in PvP.

Some fans, on the other hand, took notice that no swords were teased in the video. However, they are keeping their fingers crossed that new bladed weapons will be dropping alongside "Curse of Osiris."

New armor sets were also spotted in the DLC video. The one that probably stood out was the Titan's headdress where it donned some glowing banana-like protrusions. In line with this, there was even a scene where the armor was somewhat adorned with glow stick-like ornaments.

Players also took notice of the Hand Cannon that has some striking similarity to the Red Death pulse rifle. The Mic Drop and Sweeper exotic emotes were also showcased which are pretty nifty to use every time there's something to celebrate in the game.

Preload requisites

Meanwhile, DeeJ took to Twitter to announce that they'll be forecasting the Raid Lair activity next week after "Curse of Osiris" goes live. He also advised the community that they only have a few days left in putting up a fireteam for the activity. He went on stating that there won't be a World First for this as they advised players to "play it for fun whenever it fits into their life."

The preload time for "Destiny 2" "Curse of Osiris" will be at 8 AM PT on December 5. Storage requirements were also revealed stating that Xbox One should have at least 44 GB. Both PC and PlayStation 4, on the other hand, should have at least 68 GB and 88 GB respectively. Check out a video about the game below.