Sony released its latest edition of the firmware update for PlayStation 4, version 5.0. The last update, 4.74, caused problems with running the 5.0 beta version. Users can also expect new games for the system, and the new games will be better equipped to keep with the updates to both hardware and software. Gamers can look forward to chances to use the VR headset with games like "Gran Turismo Sport." The Tokyo Game Show also gave players a chance to see what's next for the PlayStation 4 as Sony had a big booth at the show as the company promoted the latest "Gran Turismo" game, "Gran Turismo Sport."
PlayStation 4 latest firmware updates
As Sony continues to release new games, the company has also been busy updating its firmware with the release of version 4.74 and now version 5.0.
The latest update to the firmware is currently in Beta mode. The company sent out an email to let players know that if they upgraded to the new version that they would not be able to revert back to the previous version. Download links that were previously deleted may reappear while some notifications may disappear. The company recommended waiting for the release of the upcoming 5.00 Beta 6 if users wanted to avoid the limitations instead of updating to 4.74 to avoid conflicts.
The latest PlayStation 4 games
The Japan Times reported that gamers would see better games for their hardware. The first game that players can expect with a major upgrade is the "Gran Turismo Sport." This is the first of the Sports series that will allow players to use the VR headset to play the game.
For now, it will only be offered in VR Tour Mode which really shows off the virtual reality effects. Since the developers, Polyphony Digital, really love cars, gamers can expect high-quality effects within the game. "Knack 2" is also being released, a sequel to the original "Knack." The game furthers the original concept of the first game. The character accumulates various artifacts and increases in size along the way.
T3 reported on the Tokyo Game Show and the latest games and gaming systems being pushed by Sony. Sony seems to be playing at home in order to keep its hard-core fan base in a competitive market. The main title being pushed by the company this year in their booth is "Gran Turismo Sport." Another title the company offered for feedback was "Summer Lesson." Sony offered a VR headset for players to try out although the lines this year weren't as long to try it out. Gamers were treated to real actors for a display of the game "Detroit: Being Human," and there was also a large display for "Call of Duty: World War II."