Overwatch” gamers are in for a treat as Blizzard Entertainment will roll out a new map, called Junkertown, on September 20th. The video game developer even launched a new trailer for the game’s latest map.

As reported by Video Gamer, Junkertown map’s trailer showcased how “Overwatch” players can inspect the post-apocalyptic scrapyard. Junkertown is the place where the robotic Omnics killed the farmers.

Mercy update

Once Blizzard Entertainment launches the Junkertown map to its team-based multiplayer online first-person shooter game, it will gain access to Escort destination’s rotation. Along with the latest map of “Overwatch,” the video game developer is expected to make changes to Mercy. The field medic will be a more capable combatant.

Mercy’s Ultimate ability will be replaced by a Valkyrie move. This Valkyrie move will increase the power of the field medic and will give the character the power of flight.

Nonetheless, the video game developer appears to have launched more than just a Mercy update.

During director Jeff Kaplan’s interview with IGN, the director stated that the “Overwatch” video game will have a new character, Hero 26. The game director went on to claim that the game’s new character will be very playable. However, the “Overwatch” director did not provide any direction as to where the video game’s development team will take a new character.

Players’ toxicity behavior

Meanwhile, director Kaplan recently spoke about the gamers’ toxicity in the game’s multiplayer mode, according to Polygon. The “Overwatch” director stated that the efforts to fend off gamers’ toxicity is decelerating the development of the video game, which forced the video game company to punish its players. While some “Overwatch” players praised the director for punishing players with toxic behavior, others claimed that it is ineffective.

According to Mic, Online Abuse Prevention Initiative’s founder, Randi Lee Harper, stated that the statement of the “Overwatch” director did not consist anything of importance. Particularly, the game director referred to bad and good individuals. Harper claimed that it will be more effective if the video game company will define what the bad behavior is, and ditching that would be more effective than aiming at bad individuals.

At the moment, Kaplan encourages “Overwatch” gamers to improve their behavior so that the video game company can continue enhancing the multiplayer online first-person shooter game.