Following a long period of downtime, Bungie released a new "Destiny 2" update with the Destiny 2 v1.0.1.3 patch. Players were prompted to download said update following server maintenance.
According to Bungie, services for "Destiny 1" and "Destiny 2" were offline on Sept. 18 for a scheduled maintenance.The server maintenance started at 2:00 PM UTC, with players no longer able to login to the game, while at 3:00 PM UTC, all online players were already removed.
The server was back up at 6:00 P.M. UTC as announced on Bungie's Twitter account, saying that players could resume activity.
Changes with the new update
The new Destiny update measures 52.17 MB on PlayStation 4. Bungie warned that the update may have a different name on some consoles like how it is marked as v1.04 in PS4's dashboard. The patch fixes some issues with the game in PS4 and Xbox which includes some changes in UI and other items.
It fixed the issue wherein players could not receive Man O’ War Linear Fusion Rifle Quest Reward when their weapon inventory is full. It also fixed the problem that players encounter when obtaining their missing Man O’ War from Asher Mir on IO.
Prior to the update, the Prism modifier did not display the currently featured element. But this is already fixed with the Prism displaying a brief screen once the element changes in order to increase its visibility. The issue with the Momentum modifier is also resolved.
Aside from that, it also fixed the bug wherein a Raid object received an unintended amount of damage from Wardcliff Coil. There was also a problem with Meditation since it would be hidden from Ikora before selecting it and it prevents players from receiving such reward. This was also resolved in the current update as well as a rare memory leak that results in a Matchmaking crash.
Hate symbol removed
One thing that was changed in the update that Polygon noted is the hate symbol artwork in a "Destiny 2" armor.
The artwork appears on a pair of Hunter gauntlets under the Road Complex AA1 set. It resembles the logo for Kek, a religion created by the alt-right, as seen in the national flag of Kekistan.
Since many noticed artwork, Bungie apologized to its users and promised to remove it from the game. Last Tuesday, they make the artwork invisible from "Destiny 2" so players will no longer see it from the character. But with the new update, all traces of said artwork was already