The Tokyo Game Show is scheduled to take place between September 21 and 24, and Sony’s pre-show press conference is slated for tomorrow. With all the excitement surrounding Sony’s PlayStation 4, it might be a good idea to fill you in on some potential information that Sony could tell us during the press conference.
The press conference is slated to take place at 4 pm JST (12am PT/3am ET). IGN reports that last year Sony announced the release of “Final Fantasy XV Luna Edition” and “Bloodborne: the Old Hunters,” so the technology giant could be making some pretty substantial announcements at this year’s press conference.
Here is a list of possible big-reveals that Sony might announce for the PS4 just ahead of TGS 2017:
Is Virtual Reality going to be a further reality for PlayStation?
PlayStation has had VR for about a year, but will the company push the envelope further? The US has really taken to the gaming system’s use of virtual reality, but what about Japanese consumers? It’s possible Sony will make some big announcements regarding its use of virtual reality at the TGS event tomorrow.
‘Shadow of the Colossus’ — Sony to reveal new trailer?
It’s likely that Sony will do a full-reveal of “Shadow of the Colossus” since we haven’t seen anything of the remastered version of “Bluepoint” as of yet. But Sony will probably show a brand new trailer and possibly some gameplay footage at tomorrow’s event.
The ‘Persona’ franchise to get some attention?
The original “Persona” has just celebrated its one-year anniversary in Japan, so it’s likely that Sony has more up its sleeves in terms of tomorrow’s press conference. Perhaps there will be some kind of announcement regarding a “Persona 5 Special Edition”? Or, if we’re really lucky, PlayStation might introduce a “Persona 3" remake.
Only time will tell.
‘Monster Hunter’
Though the “Monster Hunter” series has been played on handheld devices, it’s possible that Sony will feature the game in tomorrow’s PS4 press conference. The game is really trying to do well in Japan.
‘Dragon’s Crown Pro’
A trailer for the game has already leaked online, and it’s certain that Sony will present it at the show.
Perhaps “13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim” will also be featured in some way tomorrow?
Might there be bundles for Yakuza games?
We know that Yakuza Studios will be featured in the show tomorrow in the form of its titles “Yakuza: Kiwami 2" (a remake) and “Fist of the North Star." It’s possible that these two will be bundled, though.
Who knows what might happen, but big things are certainly coming tomorrow!