The “Street Fighter 5” roster is ready to expand once again, with the newest pugilist getting thrown into the mix come August 29. Menat, a fortuneteller, was revealed recently during a break in the final eight round of E-Sports Festival Hong Kong 2017.

Fans who have played through Ed’s story mode should be familiar with Menat, whose tricky fighting style harkens back to Rose, another female fighter who depends on her insane mix ups and projectile-based gameplay.

For “League of Legends” fans, Menat looks eerily similar to Orianna—or at least Menat's gameplay seems comparable to that of Orianna or Ahri, since all three make use of a mystic orb as their weapon of choice.

How SFV’s Menat kicks butt

In the gameplay trailer, it seems like players will be able to position their orbs on a stage to control space and also send them at an opponent or call them back on command, which will be handy for creating lengthy combos and juggling enemies. As far as her powers go, you’re getting someone that’s going to be interesting to see people adapt to, both as a tournament fighter and as competition.

For those paying attention, however, Menat’s addition isn’t exactly a surprise. A few months ago, a NeoGAF user called Ryce leaked all of this season’s DLC characters with complete accuracy. Ryce has been known as a notorious leaker, who has leaked many other Capcom fighters in the past, including “Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3‘s” new characters

Menat is the 27th character on the “Street Fighter 5” roster and the eighth new character debuting in the game. She follows Abigail, who was revealed back in July at Evo 2017 and became available later that month.

SFV Arcade Mode reportedly coming January 2018

In other “Street Fighter V” news, dataminer X-Kira, who has a mixed rep for digging up future updates for SF5, has claimed that an Arcade Mode, can be discovered buried within the latest build of the game.

In addition, new costumes and stages are also coming. M. Bison costume 05, Karin costume 08, Guile costume 04, and Ibuki costume 08 are the costumes referenced in X-Kira's released slides.

This is, of course, unofficial, but the dataminer’s consistency in discovering and predicting future content makes us feel like this is more than just a wild guess. But taking into account that Capcom has not made any comment about it yet, it is best to take this news for what it is: a rumor.

Street Fighter V” may not have been as big of a commercial or critical hit as many had hoped, but Capcom seems to be committed to their original promise of one complete game platform instead of releasing a new version every few years.