Friendly neighborhood data miners are back once again to bring in some news about upcoming stuff in "Pokemon GO." These folks have uncovered a lot as they dug up codes for new monsters that are inbound alongside new features and game tweaks.

All 135 of them

A Redditor that goes by the name dronpes recently took to The Silph Road subreddit to reveal a ton of stuff that is about to drop in "Pokemon GO." The biggest among them are the codes for Generation 3 monsters that were spotted within the AR title's APK files.

All 135 critters from that generation have been discovered including 73 new candy families. Sound files (battle cries) and even possible movesets for these creatures have been unearthed making the fandom all hyped once again.

Fans might remember the time when Niantic officially introduced the Gen 2 monsters in the game where codes for these Pokemon were data mined several months prior from being released. That being said, it is likely that trainers will have to wait for a month or two before they can catch Gen 3 monsters.

Super Incubator

The APK data mine for "Pokemon GO" version 0.71.0 also revealed that a Super Incubator is down the pipeline.

It is said that the upcoming tool will hatch eggs at a faster rate as compared to the regular egg hatcher. However, it is still uncertain if the item will be a given as a form of reward or will it be an item that can be purchased.

Searching the right Pokemon for a Raid will be much easier as the new patch allows players to search their Pokedex by typing in a specific moveset. If a trainer is looking for a Pokemon that has an earthquake attack, he/she will just have to type in "@earthquake."

Exclusive Raids

Exclusive Raids were also tweaked as these codes were spotted in the new APK: "exclusiveRaidDecalColor," "ExclusiveRaidWonEmblem," and "DefaultRaidItemRewards." Additional codes were also seen and are believed to implement changes on raid times, spawn timer, and the number of users in a lobby.

The patch also made some changes to the Pokemon Ditto. The post suggests that this could be a preparation for the arrival of Gen 3 monsters in the game. Shinies, on the other hand, also received some minor changes as it can be observed to have more sparkle than the usual.

Bug fixes were also spotted and it brought workarounds for Raid notification cooldowns, memory fixes, and an error system rework. The cooldown fix is believed to resolve any problems that may arise if Raids are clumped up in an area. Check out a video here: