The Twitter and Facebook accounts of Playstation were temporarily hacked on August 20. The hacker posted several messages on the social media accounts of the company. OurMine took credit for the hacks.
Social media accounts
On Sunday, there was a momentary scare among users of the popular Japanese console when its official Twitter account shared several tweets stating that the account has been compromised by a group named OurMine. The hackers started with a tweet claiming that the database of PlayStation Network has been leaked. The tweet had the community worried since accounts and information will be compromised.
However, in their succeeding tweets, the group claims that they are not going to share the data in the PSN database. You can check out the screen capture of the tweets below.
— techcentrik (@techcentrik) August 21, 2017
Series of hacks
So far, the company has not given any statement about the latest breach in their social media accounts, particularly on Facebook and Twitter. The recent incident is not new anymore. In 2011, the PSN was taken down and every account has been compromised. The hack lasted for almost a month. The latest incident prior to today’s happened during the holidays. The hacking group Lizard Squad took down not only PSN but also Xbox Live.
The group that is responsible for the latest security breach in the social media accounts of the company is called OurMine.
The group is composed of Saudi Arabian hackers that hack accounts of famous personalities. The act was made to advertise the security services that they offering. Among the accounts that were previously hacked by this group includes the account of Twitter Co-Founder Jack Dorsey, Google CEO Sundar Pichai, and Niantic Labs and “Pokemon Go” creator John Hanke.
On their official website, the group reveals that they are elite hackers famous for various hacks that show vulnerabilities in major systems. The group assesses the vulnerabilities of the systems and helps the clients secure the network and fix these vulnerabilities. The group also claims to have massive experience in the field of hacking and has the ability to crack anything.
This ranges from a network up to social media accounts.
Moreover, OurMine is a group of White Hat hackers who claim to have no bad intentions and is only after the security and privacy of accounts and networks. Aside from those, assures that aside from giving the access back to the owner, they also provide security tips and aid in securing the account. The Facebook and Twitter accounts of PlayStation are currently up, running, and hopefully secure.