The latest updates for "Overwatch" will feature the announcement of an upcoming game mode, an all-new map, and a patch fix for Lucioball.
Deathmatch coming to the Arcade
Game director Jeff Kaplan announced that a new game mode and map will be added to "Overwatch" in the latest development update video. The name of the new game mode is called "Deathmatch" and will give gamers the chance to kill other players without any payloads or areas to conquer.
The Deathmatch will feature eight players killing each other with the winning spot given to the player who reached 20 kills in a match and the top four will be getting win credits toward their Arcade loot boxes.
There are also Team Deathmatches for players who prefer to work with a team rather than doing it alone and will have the same rules and prices as the solo Deathmatch. Six players will compete against the other team and must have a total of 30 kills to win the match.
Players will be competing in a new game map called Chateau Guillard and Blizzard Entertainment is currently testing the game mode in their latest PTR session. In order to make Deathmatch exciting for "Overwatch," Blizzard modified the current maps within the game to give players more ideas on how to kill their opponents while trying to reach the highest kill count.
For now, gaming fans will have to wait for Blizzard's announcement as to when they will launch Deathmatch into the game for the consoles.
Lucioball patch fix
It seems that gamers are having a hard time playing Lucioball in the second "Summer Games" event as they complain about not being able to enter the game mode. While some players were not able to get into Copa Lucioball, others who are able to queue themselves became stuck on "searching" and are unable to leave.
Players who are able to enter Copa Lucioball find themselves being placed in uneven teams and are not able to leave or be kicked out of the group. Another reported issue will involve balls falling through the map and ending up in overtime forever.
The biggest problem in Lucioball, however, is that the rank matches may not count towards placement tallies and no SR being rewarded for completed matches.
As a result, Blizzard will continue to investigate, monitor, and implement changes in Lucioball as Kaplan announced a hot fix for the said game mode.
The patch fix is meant for the PC version today as the PlayStation and Xbox versions will have to pass the console certification first and it will be awhile for console users to receive the update.