The best thing that any "Pokemon Go" player can have is a Legendary Pokemon, but they are so hard to come by and it seems impossible to get one. However, the company decided to make the creatures available in-game.
How to catch these fantastic beasts and where to find them
Niantic revealed that these Legendary Pokemons will appear as Eggs at Pokemon Gyms. The Pokemon, however, will act as a boss for the new Raid system that was introduced.
Nevertheless, after the player defeats it, they will have the chance to catch said creature.
With a Legendary Pokemon in the player’s hand, an ordinary one has no chance against it as these Pokemon are extra tough and powerful.
Still, there are some protocols for how players can use them.
Players can usually use them in the Boss fights, Gym battles, and Raids. However, the players cannot use them to defend a gym like an ordinary one can. The reason why players cannot use them in that way is because it might break the balance of the game.
The company released a statement saying, “In the wild, players can search for a unique Legendary Eggs at the gym locations around the world.
Players can also team up with friends who are other trainers to join the legendary raid battle to defeat the Legendary Pokemon and earn the chance to catch it.”
When can players start to catch them?
The company also announced that players can start their quest on July 22. Thus, it is also the date when Pokemon Go Fest is taking place, which will be located in Grant Park, in Chicago.
Moreover, if the players will capture enough creatures during the challenge window at the event, the first Legendary Pokemon will make an appearance in the Park. The best part of this challenge is that when the trainers take it down in a collective raid, it will unlock the Legendary Pokemon Raids worldwide.
A new trailer revealed the details in the event as well.
In the video, it seems the Legendary Pokemons are generation one and two, featuring Moltres, Articuno, Lugia, Zapdos, and Ho-Oh. The video also showed the Pokemon CP, starting with Lugia 35,000 CP, Ho-Oh 32,000 CP, Zapdos 29,000 CP, Articnos 30,000 Cp, and Moltres 28,000 CP.
As for the Raid details, they seem to have a 50 hours countdown, which means that players will have enough time to plan and execute a strategy. That said, the countdown for
For the group size, it showed in the ad that the group can still have 20 people in it. Besides, if the players want to defeat those legendary creatures, they will at least 18-20 people to make it happen.