The "Pokemon GO Plus" app continues to renew its Accessories. Recently, Niantic's developers have announced a new accessory that comes to the app. According to the information revealed, it is a new ring-shaped version of "Pokemon GO Plus." The new and beautiful accessory is available for "Pokemon GO" users in Japan. However, according to the information revealed, it is very likely that the highly valued ring arrives in America, soon.

According to what we could see in the picture, this new accessory is very comfortable. Also, it is worth mentioning that the “Pokemon GO” players can press the "Power" button with the palms of their hands.

Next, we will share with you, all new details revealed about these new accessories coming to the "Pokemon GO Plus" app.

New accessories available in the Pokemon GO Plus app

While it is true that the new wrist ring presents a beautiful new feature, other accessories are introduced to the app with certain features. However, the new ring-shaped version is brilliant. Most users in Japan are excited knowing that this and other new features are already available in the app.

The Ultraball, as well as the new central Ball, will also be available within the new ring-shaped in the game.

The Master Ball’s tag will be a useful option for the 'Pokemon GO' players. This new element added to the game will guarantee the capture of a Pokemon. These new items are another features that users are implementing in an unofficial capacity. According to some Japanese users, there are already companies that sell customized versions.

Players continue to report some bugs in the app

Currently, the "Pokemon GO Plus" app does not enjoy much credibility and acceptance among the "Pokemon GO" community because bugs are still present in the game. According to new reports emerging in social media, players are experiencing significant bugs when going to the PokeStops.

When you are at a PokeStop, it becomes practically impossible to make turns to get the new items added to the augmented reality game.

Besides, it is worth mentioning that these bugs do not allow players to play the game until the app is opened. However, it can reduce the overall experience.

Additional information:

Some players are using unofficial variants with a gray area features such as auto capture. According to new reports, the Go-tcha for "Pokemon GO" is one of the features that players have opted to use. It is worth mentioning that a release outside of Japan, additional add-ons, or even a new version would help make this a more useful product for "Pokemon GO" players.

This is all the information known so far. Keep enjoying the game, and stay tuned for more updates as they become available.