July 2017's PlayStation Plus free video game titles are now available for download for those who are members of the subscription. The new batch contains some of the best game genres in the market right now.

Free PlayStation 4 games available

For PlayStation 4 console owners who want to try out something new right now, they can get the chance with the three new games from the PlayStation Network Store PS Plus section.

First up on the list is the exclusive horror video game "Until Dawn," which garnered a lot of praises from fans of the game genre, and from the horror scene itself. Console owners will have to brace for the amount of data they will have to download for this game title since it is quite large: 37.8 GB.

The second free video game to download is Telltale Games' "Game Of Thrones," which contains all six episodes. The whole batch also contains the Season Pass, which can be downloaded for free and can get players all of the episodes without paying for them, if they don't redeem the other free episodes.

They will also have to prepare a large amount of space for the PS4 hard drive for this one.

The last free video game to grab is the bullet hell game "Don't Die, Mr Robot!" at Infinite State Games. This is an action arcade video game with a lot of fun gameplay to try out, and it has a small size of 79.6 MB only. This game title is also available on the PlayStation Vita.

Free PlayStation 3 titles to try out

The PlayStation Plus Free Games batch will also include PS3 games, which will allow PS3 console owners to download who have the membership subscription. Members will receive first the "Darkstalkers Resurrection" fighting video game, which actually contains two game titles from the series. These game titles are "Night Warriors: Darkstalker's Revenge" and "Darkstalkers 3."

The other free video game to download is "Tokyo Jungle," which is an action game that allows players to fight as animals.

They will be fighting in post-apocalyptic ruins of Tokyo, Japan, and only the strongest will survive in this weird, but fun game. It has a size of 2.4 GB only, which is a mediocre size for a game to download.

PlayStation Vita Games Free To Download

While the PlayStation Vita is not that popular anymore due to other superior handheld consoles right now, Sony has still some game titles for it. "Don't Die, Mr Robot!" is also available on this handheld, but it also has another free game for PS Plus members to download this July 2017.

"Element4I" is an adventure experimental video game, which is very immersive to play. Players will have to control four types of elements all throughout the game, and they will have to evade the powers of nature and the sun to complete their tasks.

Check out the PlayStation Plus Free PS4 Games Lineup July 2017 video here: