Not a fan of Zarya? You might want to reconsider her after the new Graviton Surge upgrade. Geoff Goodman, "Overwatch's" principal designer, once again blessed the Blizzard forum with new information concerning Zarya and other heroes. Oh yes, that's correct, "other heroes" too. In regards to Zarya's Graviton Surge, Mr. Goodman briefly states it, "Now disables all movement abilities of affect targets.

This is similar to how Junkrat's trap affects abilities."

For Zarya users, this will surely put a smile on their faces. Similar to Junkrat's Steel Trap, heroes will not be able to escape Zarya's Graviton Surge. The Graviton Surge does 5.5 percent damage per second, affects an area of 9 meters, and lasts for 4 seconds. This means a whole lot of damage can be done, especially if your team members are nearby to help.

Still not satisfied? Zarya has a Particle Cannon that does up to almost 200 damage per second with a maximum range of 16 meters.

Other heroes' updates

Doomfist also received an Update to his Rocket Punch and Seismic Slam.

The distance of Rocket Punch ability was reduced by 20 percent, an update not relatively new. The Seismic Slam now includes a meter indicating the amount of damage it will deal and how much is dealt. This new damage indicator will always be visible, regardless of crosshair changes. Targeting this ability while in the air is also restricted to areas lower than your current height.

Similarly, McCree and his Flashbang received a flash of change. Goodman said the Flashbang "now slows targets significantly when they are stunned. This makes them less likely to slide away around a corner or something similar once they are stunned." Finally, the Flashbang does exactly what it was intended to do, stun players.

It appears Goodman and his team are loving this theme of trapping players. Even Reaper's Shadow Step was affected where the VO and SFX distance was dramatically reduced. No one is safe! To review, the Shadow Step allows Reaper to mark any location and teleport to it within 2 seconds. Reaper's new range will now be below 35 meters.

One of our favorites, Reinhardt, is also updated

The last hero update was Reinhardt's Hammer and Charge. The swing speed of the Hammer was increased by approximately 10 percent. Aside from the speed increase, Goodman indicated new alterations to the timing and miscellaneous features. These changes should contribute to a better swing and increased chance of hitting enemies. Two heroes impacting each other with a charge, i.e. Doomfist or Reinhardt, no longer deals damage to both characters. Instead, both players are simply knocked down.