It seems that new details for "Final Fantasy XV" have been revealed, as it will feature the plans for the sequel's multiplayer expansion DLC.

'Comrades' multiplayer expansion

Square Enix announced the name of "Final Fantasy XV's" multiplayer mode,"Comrades" as part of their post-launch plans for the sequel this year. It will feature four players with their unique avatars, exploring the world of Eos and doing several quests.

Players will be joined by the game's protagonist Noctis, while the complete version will allow them to control Gladiolus, Prompto, and Ignis.

Players can store up to eight avatars, and they will have the freedom to customize the appearance of their character. These customizations include clothing, facial features, skin color and other accessories. Players can also equip their character with weapons like katanas, daggers, guns and even use the Royal Sigils.

All four-players will enjoy the same perks as the original game such camping, fishing, fighting monsters and eating delicious foods on their journey.

Square Enix DLC director Haruyoshi Sawatari and the development team wanted to add a multiplayer content for "Final Fantasy XV," outside from MMORPG titles like "FInal Fantasy XI" and "Final Fantasy XIV." As a matter of fact, "FFXV" will be the first non-MMO game to have a multiplayer mode in the series.

Close beta plans announcement

Square Enix will have a Closed Beta Test for "Comrades" multiplayer DLC on Aug. 3-8 and console users can participate in the test using either the PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold.

Gaming fans can expect that the download file for the "Comrades" closed beta will be haft the size of the complete version, but it will be enough for them to enjoy the gameplay, and for Square Enix to collect data for future improvements.

The beta version will offer only three quests for players to do, and it will be handled via matchmaking. The full version will have more quests with full storylines, as well as single player quests.

The single player quests will have three A.I. controlled characters with the player being the only human character in the group. Those who completed the quest will get each an ingredient for a meal that they can cook before doing another mission.

Players can also interact with another by using preset chat messages, or voice chat in the beta version. The complete version will add more online features such as camp meetups, quest report cards, photography and much more.

The release date for the complete version of "Comrades" has not yet revealed, but the developers will likely launch it sometime this year depending on the feedback from the closed beta test.