'Cross-play' gaming is undeniably becoming a new sensation for fantastic Gamers all around the country. It’s becoming increasingly more popular since Nintendo, as well as Microsoft, have been in the process of making the concept a reality. ‘Cross-play’ will be taking a giant step with this huge game company — with updates such as ‘Minecraft’ and ‘Rocket League’ being rumoured.

Rockstar's long awaited game combines PS4 and Xbox One

Latest reports say that the long awaited sequel from Rockstar Games, “Red Dead Redemption 2”, is going to support multiplayer cross-gaming on Playstation 4 and Xbox One. This much-anticipated rumor first spread like wildfire in May and from a very reliable source at the gigantic game company, which concluded that the information regarding ‘Red Dead Redemption 2’s past announcements was collectively true.

In line with that, the most awaited game could be exempted from Sony’s decision to block cross-platform multiplayer gaming with Nintendo and other Xbox games.

According to some rumors and news, the game is expected to push through its release even though Rockstar Games recently held back such information. Ever since the original game was released in the market back 2010, the game was loved by gamers and it hit an enormous amount of sales and it still upholds its revenue up to the present. The long awaited online game seems to be eyed by many gamers around the world and fans of the game will get the chance to experience the thrilling action as soon as it hits the market.

Cross-platform multiplayer gaming upside

It is worth the wait thinking that in the near future, we will be able to play most of the futuristic games of the year with our co-game addicts without taking in mind whether the game will be played in different consoles There has been a long and unresolved conflict between gamers, whether online or not, in which game console would be best suited for an avid game fanatic, but, nevertheless, it all boils down to one word: “fun”; by that, saying all types of gamers are going to set aside any differences and simply enjoy the unique experience that cross-platform multiplayer gaming offers.

Whether the rumor proves true or not regarding the much awaited game cross-platform multiplayer gaming, it is still up to Rockstar to deny or confirm any of the said reports. Avid game fanatics will just have to do with their own and explore the long awaited game with their own Xbox or PlayStation when the game launches next year.