“Pokemon Go” Legendary, the much awaited event, might finally be happening. The anticipation for the arrival of the Legendaries in the game has been the news talked about, speculated and predicted by analysts, trainers and fans. In our previous article, we reported that there have been several details found through datamine that these special types of pocket monsters might be coming to the game this year.
Today, another claim about these monsters surfaced again.
Latest leak
It appears that Niantic Labs is indeed preparing something legendary for its expansive player base this year. If the recent leak is to be believed, trainers will soon enjoy an event filled with these type of monsters. On Reddit, GabrialGF shares that he found in his hometown of Chicago, what appears to be a potential Legendary event. He claims that he found a listing of a potential six-day event requesting a permit. The event description is under the name “Pokemon Go” and the event type was a festival. Moreover, the permit was filed for the reservation of Grant Butler Field with event dates listed between July 18 and July 23.
If the leak is accurate, then it seems that Niantic Labs would introduce the Legendaries in the augmented reality game through citywide events. However, so far, this is the only reported listing related to the event. Aside from that, the permit is not yet approved, at this point; we cannot conclude that the event is really meant for the special types of creatures.
It is worth noting that in one of the reveal trailers of “Pokemon Go,” there are players battling to get Mewto in Time Square. According to several claims, this could be the way on how to acquire these special types of pocket monsters in the game.
Possible method to get the legendary monsters
There are heavy speculations that the highly anticipated event would be introduced in the same way that “Pokemon Shuffle” is played out.
In Shuffle, there are several stages where these types of creatures are made available for a limited time. After that, players will battle and those who get the higher scores will be able to get these special types of pocket monsters. Players who get lower scores are rewarded with items.
Niantic Labs has been teasing about the arrival of the Legendaries in “Pokemon Go.” It can be recalled that earlier this year, the developer announced that three major changes will happen in the game. Among these changes, as speculated, includes the Gym rework, the PvP brawl, and the arrival of the legendary type of creatures. None of the three possible updates have been implemented in the augmented reality game so far.