The release of the remastered version of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" as a bundle with the Legacy and Deluxe editions of Infinity Ward's "Call of Duty: infinite warfare" was not well received, to say the least. Players who wanted to relive their glory days with Captain Price, Soap, and Gaz would have to fork out the cash to buy the latest game as there was really no other way to get a copy of the remastered fourth installment.
Giving in to demands
Since "Infinite Warfare" was released, fans have been clamoring for the franchise's publishers to make the remaster available as a stand-alone product.
Fans of the original game, which is arguably one of the most popular installments in the franchise, expressed their desire to purchase the game, but only as a separate product as not a lot of people were interested in playing Activision futuristic new title just to get their hands on the remaster.
After weeks of rumors regarding Activision finally buckling under consumer demand, the company has now finally announced that it will indeed be making the remastered game available as a standalone retail product. Surprisingly, the confirmation was made just a day before the game would become available.
"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered" will officially become available as a digital product for the PlayStation 4 starting tomorrow, June 27.
Players should be able to buy, download, and play the game through different online retailers. Additionally, Activision also confirmed that there will be a boxed retail version, but it hadn't really clarified where and when it would become available. The remastered game will be sold at $39.99 and will not include any of the game's DLCs.
Check out the remastered game's launch trailer below:
Hyping it up
Raven Software, the company that meticulously worked on the remastered title, also announced that they were very honored to be bringing the title to a new generation of players. The company explained that they didn't leave any stone unturned while working on the title as they had completely improved all aspects of the game's texture, lighting, resolution, animation, and detail.
The game now sports full HD visuals and a fully remastered audio that takes full advantage of newer gaming systems. Activision has yet to announce the release date for the Xbox One and the Windows PC versions, but they are expected to be coming out very soon.