"Player Unknown's Battlegrounds" is in its third month in Early Access. In that span of time, the game has displayed an impressive degree of depth. Aside from that, the game is set to release the Week 10 update that promises to provide fixes for vehicles and to wipe the leaderboards. Other good news is inbound, and from the looks of it, gamers will soon have the 2D and 3D Replay system essential for evaluating and monitoring progress.

Replay systems

Aside from reports of a single player campaign, 2D and 3D Replay systems are expected to roll out in "Player Unknown's Battlegrounds" in the next months. In an interview with GamInformer, Brand Greene, creator and mastermind of the open world online shooter, the game’s promising future was revealed. Among the topics discussed were the in-development maps, the possibility of infusing lore, color coded ammo, and the 2D and 3D replay systems.

On the 2D version, Greene said that it would be something that resembles "Arma" where players can monitor their up and down moves on the map. On the other hand, in the 3D variation, elements like cinematic camera angles, slow motion, and scope like that of "Machinima" could soon be implemented.

Moreover, Greene revealed that currently there is a team already working on the development of these replay systems.

Aside from those, BlueHole is also planning to add modding in the open world online shooter. According to Greene, they will also provide a platform for game modes, which is already seen in the custom games. He added that they would like to give everyone the chance to share their contents for the game. He believes that this will be essential for the long-term survival of "PUBG."

Week 10 update

The scheduled week 10 update of "Player Unknown's Battlegrounds" will be released this Thursday along with leaderboard wipe, vehicles fixes, and a couple of revival bugs. Prior to the patch's full implementation, a wipe will be rolled out in the leaderboard to reset all the player's rankings and statistics throughout every game mode.

The wipe will be conducted to resolve the massive discrepancies either caused by cheaters or by the clients. This will, however, not affect the leaderboard rank progress. In addition, crashes of vehicles traversing terrains and walls will no longer happen when the weekly patch rolls out. Moreover, in the Duo and Squad game modes, issues of players dying first without even without entering the revive state will be resolved.