For a typical French breakfast, there are crepes and then there are Crêpes Suzette. It's uncertain how this variation to the flat cakes was conceived but what is certain is that it takes the dessert to a whole different level. Serving crepes topped and/or folded over accompaniments is one thing but simmering them within those accompaniments is another. Crêpes Suzette is notorious for its sauce consisting of caramel, citric juices, and spirits like grand Magnier, curaçao liqueur, brandy or a combination of all three.
Today's recipe offers a simple version of the French dessert. Although this means it won't call for all the ingredients and methods to prepare the dessert, it's sufficient enough to provide a whole new experience to those who are used to eating dry crepes. This recipe is especially enjoyable with a scoop of Ice Cream as an additional accompaniment and can be made in advance with this super simple recipe (NB: The flavor can be substituted for preference).
Making crêpes Suzette simple
Traditionally, this awesome dessert was served through a gueridon service, preferably during fine dining or private dining.
However, the recipe isn't a secret and doesn't need to be prepared by the numbers. On their own, crepes are awfully simple to make and can be served with almost any accompaniment including jams, syrups, sauces, ice cream, and more. Even simpler, these accompaniments can be used to make simple variations which is why crêpes Suzette isn't much of a chore.
The sauce is also simple and can be made in the same skillet as the crepes to save time. It starts with the caramel, which is prepared simply by sauteeing sugar with butter together. Once the syrup forms, citric juices, and alcohol are added in and combined over a simmering heat. Once the sauce is complete, the crepes are returned to the skillet and simmered within it.
Optionally, chefs would perform a flambe during the crepe simmering phase by tipping the skillet to ignite the alcohol as a way to enhance the flavor. And for extra flair, the chefs would leave the sauce burning while they pour it over the crêpes Suzette during plating. However, this won't be necessary for this recipe as it will save time and ensure one's safety while preparing the dessert. For those who still plan to do so, please exercise caution.
Crepes ingredients:
- 1 cup flour
- 1 1/2 cups milk
- 1/2 cup water
- 2 large eggs
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 1/4 salt extract
- 3 tbsp unsalted butter
Sauce ingredients:
- 4 tbsp butter
- 4 tbsp castor sugar
- Juice and zest 1 orange
- 1/4 cup Grand Magnier
- 3/4 cup Brandy
- Ice cream as needed (Get the simple recipe here)
- To make the crepes, lightly grease a 10" skillet and heat over a stove over medium heat.
- Combine the flour, sugar, and salt in a mixing bowl. Make a well and gradually pour in the milk, water, and eggs, whisking constantly. Add the butter and combine.
- Pour 1/4 of the batter into the skillet, tilting and swirling it to spread the batter thin. Cook for 2 minutes on each side or until it turns golden brown, using a metal spatula to flip. Repeat the step for up to 3 times with the remaining batter.
- Set aside on a plate. Do not turn off the heat.
- Melt the sugar in the same skillet and stir in the butter to combine. Cook until the mixture forms an amber color caramel.
- Whisk in the orange juice and Grand Magnier, then bring to a simmer over a low heat. Do not turn off the heat.
- Return the crepes to the skillet to soak in the sauce one at a time, flipping them over to soak evenly on each side. Fold the crepes twice and transfer to a hot plate.
- Serve immediately with a scoop of ice cream for each crepe.
Serves: 4