Each year popular celebrities pass away and as they go, we remember them for their various accomplishments. Here are five television and film celebrities that died in 2019.
Doris Day - April 3, 1922 – May 13, 2019
Born Doris Mary Anne Kappelhoff, even when she was acting in a sex comedy, her character was always innocent and wholesome.
Rutger Hauer - January 23, 1944 – July 19, 2019
Born in Holland, Rutger Hauer is best known for his role as a replicant named Roy Batty in the film “Blade Runner” particularly in the final scene, “Tears in Rain.” He also starred with Sylvester Stallone in “Nighthawks” and as a psychopathic hitchhiker in the thriller “The Hitcher” in 1956. Hauer passed away at the age of 75 on July 19, 2019.