Nick Jonas, Joe, and Kevin release video track titled Sucker: 5 Twitter memes

Nick, Joe and Kevin Jonas are back after a six-year hiatus - Image credit - Jonas Brothers | YouTube
Nick, Joe and Kevin Jonas are back after a six-year hiatus - Image credit - Jonas Brothers | YouTube

After a gap of six years, the brothers are back, and their video features Priyanka Chopra, Sophie Turner, and Danielle Jonas.

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Nick, Joe and Kevin Jonas are back after a six-year hiatus and fans on Twitter are posting up their appreciative memes. Their new song, "Sucker" has a new video and it also features their women, Priyanka Chopra, Sophie Turner, and Danielle Jonas. Here are some of the best memes and Twitter posts that fans put up.


The red dress meme for Nick Jonas

This tweeter is anticipating that next year he can hear Nick singing "red dress" and he's intent on dressing up for the occasion.


Nick Jonas' legal standing

This fan wants to know if it's even allowed for someone to be so good looking!


Fans hoping for the wild version of Nick

This fan wants to see a less retired and polished version of the group and hopes for wilder things.

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