Fruits make available to the body the necessary vitamins and minerals it needs and they have zero cholesterol. Naturally, some fruits have less fat, lower calories, and low sodium. Apart from the fact that fruit help to minimize the risk of cancer and chronic diseases, nutritionists have proven that they also help in weight loss. Check out these amazing fruits that will not only make you feel good but will also play an important role on your way to losing those pounds.
Apple, the cricpy crunchy fruit
This crunchy fruit is low in calories while having zero sodium and fat. It is high in fiber which suggests that it can make you feel full for a long time, thereby preventing you from snacking on junk foods through the day. Studies have shown that eating apples can aid in weight loss.

Orange fruit
This citrus fruit has low calories but high levels of vitamin C and fiber. Eating oranges can help reduce hunger thereby reducing your your calorie intake.