5 famous people born on December 28

Actor Denzel Washington is celebrating his birthday on December 28. - [Thrillist / YouTube screencap]
Actor Denzel Washington is celebrating his birthday on December 28. - [Thrillist / YouTube screencap]

These five celebrities are all celebrating their birthdays on Friday, December 28.

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Blasting News

In 2018, the world lost a number of people who helped contribute to entertainment. Among them was Stan Lee, who would have celebrated his 96th birthday on Friday, December 28. Below are five other Celebrities with birthdays today.


Denzel Washington

Academy Award winner Denzel Washington turned 64 on Friday. He's known for his numerous films, including "The Hurricane," "Equalizer," "Fences," and "Training Day."


John Legend

Singer John Legend also had a December 28 birthday to celebrate as he turned 40 today. Legend has recorded popular pop/R&B songs including "Green Light," "Ordinary People," and "All of Me."


Seth Meyers

Seth Meyers is a "Saturday Night Live" alumni who is now known for his late night show on NBC. The charming talk show host turned 45 years old on Friday.

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