Virginia Wildlife Management and Control posted up some almost unbelievable photos of a two-headed copperhead viper on Facebook on Sunday. The young snake, estimated to be about a week old was sloughing its skin in their photos. Found by a woman in Woodbridge, lurking in the backyard, the doubly-dangerous snake was described as "I wanted to look away but couldn’t stop looking at it.
Plays tricks on the eyes," USA Today reported.
Two-headed viper doubly dangerous
Finding a viper in the garden is alarming, but finding one with two heads, one would wonder if could bite you twice at the same time. In fact, lots of questions on the Facebook post were exactly about biting twice, and which head would know what to eat? The fascinating find had some skeptics believe it's not for real and that the department is playing jokes. But the Charlotte Observer said that wildlife officials swear it's for real. One Facebooker pointed out the skin color differed on its body, from its heads, but apparently, that was because the two-in-one reptile was busy shedding its skin.
Siamese twin version of a Virginia snake
USA Today followed up the story and made written contact with the woman who found the snake. She also posted photos of it on Facebook, tagging it with "#sohardnottolookatit, #nobodyhastimeforthat" and "#justlookingatthismakesmeswear." Fox News cited National Geographic as saying that venomous snakes could even attack the other head if they scent food in it. They don't seem to cope well in the wild and are extremely rare. Maybe they bite themselves to death? According to National Geographic, they are similar to Siamese twins in humans.
Rare snakes raised by Bryan Barczyk
While rare, some people do have them in captivity. Bryan Barczyk posted up a video of him feeding his two-headed Albino Corn snake.
Bryan, according to his YouTube profile description is on "SnakeBytesTV," "AnimalBytesTV" and Discovery channel's series "Venom Hunters." His snake took a meal from him the first time he tried it. You can see the video below of Bryan's two-snake that was uploaded in March this year.
Herpetologist J.D. Kleopfer told USA Today that the snake found in Virginia is in the care of a specialist who knows all about vipers. They want to try and keep it alive and maybe display it in a zoo one day. But even in captivity, that may be a challenge. They want to try and help it, and initial rumors that it may have been quickly despatched, were put to rest.
Of course, social media is full of humor, and apart from interested questions, there were some funny comments. Eisle Havens commented, "That's a double-headed Nope Rope!" What do think about the two-headed snake? Would you kill it if you found one? Or would you call in the wildlife experts?