Originally from a Japanese anime "The Brave Fighter of Sun Fighbird," Season 1 Episode 3, this scene is used to show confusion, or, in some circumstances, a deliberate disbelief of the truth. Similar to the distracted boyfriend meme, the user inserts words or images over the text and the butterfly to show how their brain perceives things rather than the truth.

For mom

Whenever you bring over a friend of the opposite gender, the first question your parents ask when they leave is usually similar to "Are they single? Are you guys dating?" Typically you roll your eyes and reply "No mom, they're just a friend," and this has happened on multiple occasions.

2018 is the time for co-ed friendships people!

For marketing companies

Way back in 2012, you thought it was amazing that the McDonald's Twitter page replied to you, telling you to go get some fries, and now, in 2018, they are replying with memes and roasting tweets to show that they are hip and understand the teen lingo. When one of these interactions blow up, it does cause free publicity, so maybe they are on to something.

For the writers of articles

Not to be too meta, since I am writing an article about a meme here, but other websites will write their story overexplaining the meme till you never want to see it again.

Hopefully, this is just an overview of some funny ones and not an example of this situation.

For Twitter locals

A big Twitter trend is to call individuals on Twitter that don't understand Internet culture, locals. Twitter locals usually use their account for retweeting inspirational quotes. Another thing they usually do is call something a mood or a big mood like in the tweet above. This is like saying same or me to anything, like an orange rolling down a hill, because oddly enough something in you relates.

For clothing companies

Girls know, especially when you search for clothes that fit, the sizes can be very confusing. They vary from store to store and you can wear a size 10 pair of jeans and a size five dress on the same day.

I won't say guys have it easier, because most of the times the numbers on their clothes are actual measurements, but they have it easier.

For people who know meme culture

The best memes are like ogres and have layers. The hand toward the butterfly is just asking "Who do you think you are?" This could be referring to the entire meme format, which many people are over at this point, or just acknowledging the parallels in great art.