Those who believe climate change is a myth and a non-issue should make a note of the caution issued by the World Bank. In its opinion, climate change will lead to a mass scale exodus of people who will lose their homes and be forced to move out to other areas for survival. This Migration will happen not only in the countries that will be affected but could even cross geographical boundaries.
According to The Guardian, the possible migration could be in the millions in just three regions of the developing world before 2050. These regions have been identified by the World Bank and are in sub-Saharan Africa, south Asia, and Latin America.
The result would be all-round chaos that could lead to the disruption of the social fabric.
Actions proposed to control the situation
John Roome, a senior director at the World Bank group, feels that while migration due to climate change cannot be avoided, its seriousness can be diluted with timely corrective action. Governments must address the problem which is a genuine one and take action to reduce the factors responsible. These would relate to the generation of greenhouse gases. The authorities must incorporate such migration into their national development planning, and open the doors to more research on the subject. Planning at the local level must ensure availability of all resources to mitigate the sufferings of the people.
Migration between countries keeps happening, and it can give rise to cross-border conflicts. However, when it comes down to migration within the country, it will put an additional burden on the basic necessities of life like jobs, food and water resources, and could damage the social infrastructure.
The menace of global warming
Global warming and climate change are interlinked. The droughts, wildfires, unseasonal rains and flash floods wreak havoc on the environment. These result in the loss of habitat for birds, animals and man -- and their migration. Scientists attribute global warming to greenhouse gases generated by fossil fuels.
If that source is blocked, the world will be able to combat the evil. In order to achieve this, automobile manufacturers are going for electric cars in a big way. Some countries have even decided to ban fossil fuel vehicles after a certain date.
In the words of Kristalina Georgieva, the chief executive of the World Bank, those affected by climate change will try to escape from the grip of natural calamities like droughts, crop failure and rising seas. The future would be bleak for agriculture, with the increased likelihood of floods, droughts and heatwaves in some areas.