The snow and ice have caused your place of employment to close or you are simply unable to get out and go to work: If you are on the verge of Cabin Fever don't despair. There are ways to keep yourself busy and get your mind off of the fact that you are immobile. There is no need to spend a lot of money or lament that you cannot fly off to a warmer climate. There are ways to keep your mind and body occupied until you are able to return to your normal routine. These six suggestions should help you beat the blues and enjoy the break from what you would usually be doing.

By implementing these life hacks you should emerge unscathed from being snowed in. A report by Wise Bread provided most of the information used in this post.

It's all in the mind when it comes to cabin fever

The first simple suggestion is to be thankful for all you have because cabin fever is basically a state of mind. Don't dwell on the fact that you are dealing with the winter weather or are unable to get out of the house or drive your vehicle. Focus on all the things that you can do to keep yourself occupied and find something constructive to do to pass the time. This is the ideal situation to make those phone calls to friends that you have been putting off, clean the closet, or whatever task you have been procrastinating on.

Think of this time as a mini vacation and find ways to enjoy yourself. Once you begin being grateful, your attitude will improve, even as the snow and ice are melting.

The second life hack is to highjack your brain and utilize your mind to plan for the spring. You can think ahead to some things you want to do once the weather is warmer.

Take advantage of the extra time to do an internet search and begin working on what you will do when the temperature begins to rise. This will get your focus off of the fact that you are Dealing with snow and ice and redirect your attention to better days.

Open the shades, take a walk, eat healthier, and help others to beat cabin fever

The third and fourth Life Hacks are to open the shades and focus on eating healthier. When you open your window shades or blinds you will allow the sun to shine in and the warm your home. This is a good rule of thumb during the daylight hours for the entire winter. This will keep your thoughts away from the cold and improve your mood. Make sure you are eating plenty of green vegetables and foods that are high in vitamin D. The lack of the sunshine vitamin may play a role in your feeling depressed during the winter and dealing with cabin fever.

The fifth and sixth suggestions for when you are snowed in are to actually get out as soon as you can.

When it is safe, take a walk to boost your mood and obtain whatever vitamin D you can from the sunlight that is available. Find a way to help someone else in order to keep the focus off of your own situation. Your church, a community center, or food pantry may need extra help during the winter months. Reaching out to others is one sure way to keep cabin fever at bay.