Not even a month into 2018, there are already reports that have gone viral that display blatant racism against people of color. Most of these instances stem as a response to the recent holiday, #Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Some people blame Trump as an enabler to racists, others speculate racism never ended. After all, segregation ended only 54 years ago.

Slavery is obviously a joke

A woman by the name of Heather Wick -Dr. Heather Wick- posted the following Facebook status sometime last week. Evidently not knowing the gravity of her 'humorous' Facebook post, her post went viral quickly.

Soon after, her Facebook profile was deleted, and she received quite a bit of backlash for the senseless post. This very post is an example of the kind of insensitive 'jokes' and negative behavior Trump endorses and enables as President.

Another racist officer?

Police brutality is no secret issue in the United States, and statistics state that black people are 2.5 times more likely to be fatally shot by police. This specific policeman had no problem sharing his bias with a recruit. Assistant Chief Police Todd Shaw reportedly told a Louisville Metro Police recruit that if he caught juveniles smoking marijuana, he should "shoot them if black" through Facebook messages. In another message, Shaw calls Martin Luther King Jr. a "womanizer" and said "because someone shot him, I get a day off with pay each year"

He was reportedly fired from his job as Assistant Police Chief after 30 years of service.

College sorority girl expelled

Apparently, she thought it was okay to publicize how she 'felt about black people' on Instagram.

After expressing and posting her distaste for black people and her regard for Martin Luther King Jr.'s holiday, social media quickly caught wind of it and the post went viral. That same week, she was expelled from the University of Alabama and kicked out of her sorority.

More racism in college

The first day of school, brand new semester, students should be worried about hate posts, all over campus, right? - Wrong.

A black student from the University of South Carolina posted this tweet of a picture of racist flyers on the first day back.

Surveillance footage confirms eyewitness accounts of a white suspect in his early 40s posting the flyers on the African American Studies Program display board.

The school tweeted a message in response to the picture, disapproving the messages on the flyers and publicly announcing an investigation into the offense. The campus also hosted a 'dialogue' on campus to discuss and educate students, faculty, and teachers about the hateful posts.

James Earl Ray Day?

A white man recorded and exposed a couple of white supremacists at his workplace.

He claimed they were high ranking officials and was surprised at their rhetoric. In the conversation, the men talked about not celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. day, and referring to it as 'N****r day.' They were also laughing and making the joke that the day should be called 'J.E.R. Day' for James Earl Ray, the man that assassinated Martin Luther King Jr.

The best part of the whole recording? The men claimed that "they weren't racist," saying "that's just what it's called down here."

Delusion at its finest.