There are many beauty hacks that make use of natural ingredients. Yes, you can look beautiful and young even without using artificial cosmetic products. Using natural ingredients will not only help you save money but it will also save you from exposing your skin and your body to unhealthy ingredients that are used in artificial products.

Here are some natural ways to stay beautiful.

1. Eyeshadow from cacao powder

Did you know that the cacao powder, which is the primary ingredient of chocolate, can also be used as an eyeshadow? It stays longer and its color looks very natural! You will surely love it!

2. Eyebrow growth oil

Here is an easy recipe to make your own eyebrow oil from natural ingredients. Aloe vera contains enzymes that nourish hair follicles. It can make your eyebrow grow faster and thicker.

3. Body wash with lemon extract

We are aware of the many health benefits of lemon. It can also be good for your skin. Add a lemon extract to your body wash to help lighten up dark spots.

4. Homemade body wash with honey and orange

You can also make your own natural body wash using Honey and orange. For sure this will smell really good and it will feel great on your skin. Just follow the recipe below.

5. Lavender oil for the skin

Use lavender oil to heal acne or to remove toxins from your skin. Simply massage the oil into your skin daily and it will help to restore its youthful glow.

6. Honey for your skin

Honey can be a perfect face wash or body scrub. It also works well as a hair mask and a lip balm. Another amazing beauty hack with honey is to use it for hair removal. It can even cure sunburn!

7. Beauty hacks with egg

Eggs are not just delicious. It can also be used as a hair conditioner and as a body scrub.

It can also help you cure under-eye puffiness and to get rid of pesky dark under-eye circles. You can also use it to remove blackheads.

8. Turmeric face mask

Make a turmeric face mask by mixing it with greek yogurt and honey. It works well to brighten your skin and to make it blemish free.

9. Apple cider beauty hacks

After adding a small amount of water, use apple cider to heal acne. It can also give you the best smelling feet and to brighten your hair!

10. Lip gloss with peppermint oil

Get plump lips simply by adding Peppermint oil to your lip gloss. Peppermint oil will stimulate circulation on the lips which will make it look fuller. No need to get an expensive surgery to get Kylie Jenner's lips!

Easy, right? Most of these items can be found in our kitchen, which means that we really do not need to spend much just to look beautiful and stay beautiful! Can you tell me which of the above natural beauty hacks you would try?