In the United Kingdom, one Magazine's staff are evidently not having themselves a merry little Christmas. With holiday-themed issues hitting the stands, the publishers of That's Life decided to join in the festivities. Their holiday issue is different from that most people would be inclined to buy, though. Actually, that's not true - people who hate the holiday season could find a great deal of solace within the December 21st issue of That's Life.

A very un-merry Christmas

Plastered across the cover of That's Life are bubbly fonts and colorful tones. By appearances alone, it looks like every other gossip magazine on the rack at the checkout aisle of the grocery store. There's even a banner at the top advertising a chance for United Kingdom readers to win some money. It seems like a holly jolly Christmas issue. Train the eye on any piece of content being advertised on the cover, however, and see that not everything is as it seems.

Every part of this magazine cover is gold. From "Mistletoe & SWINE" to "Take That Santa," there are clearly some sordid Christmas happenings unfolding.

Everything on the cover feels relevant to a large population. Nobody wants to be unexpectedly pregnant around the holidays. Everyone wants a good gift. Everybody who gets a bad gift is going to react negatively, although maybe not to the degree of arson. Regardless, it's easily one of the most iconic magazine covers of the year.

Magazine magic abroad

That's Life has been a staple of the United Kingdom magazine scene since 1995. The weekly periodical doesn't shy away from the real-life stories of the people who read it, particularly young women. In addition to the UK, the mag is also published in Ireland. That's Life is headquartered in London and owned by Bauer Media Group.

While the Christmas issue seems a little outlandishly silly, the general feeling one gets from looking at the cover is par for the course.

There are always stories of devastation and heartbreak, love and loss. There are also puzzles where readers can earn prizes, so it's not all bad news.

The Christmas cover of That's Life is a double-edged sword for people around the United Kingdom. People who want to feel empathized with can pick up the magazine and learn about others who are going through a struggle. For others happier in their life, it's just an opportunity to get in a good laugh.

At the end of the day, that's life - nothing else to it.