Not all people sleep during the night without waking up at least once. Some people keep waking up, and there are five proven reasons they do. However, there is good news because something can be done to keep people from constantly waking up.
According to Dr. Jose Colon, it is normal for sleepers to wake up during the night. Colon, who is the founder of Paradise sleep and author of "The Sleep Diet," says nobody sleeps through the entire night.
He added that some people wake up an average of four to six times, and those awakenings are normal because they then go back to sleep. It is abnormal if people cannot go back to sleep.
1. Going to the bathroom
Almost everyone has the urge to go to the bathroom to urinate during the night. Some people can get up, use the bathroom, jump back in bed, and go right back to sleep. That's a good thing, but some people can't go back to sleep after going to the bathroom multiple times. Therefore, it is necessary for those people to sip more water with a pinch of sea salt about 30 minutes before going to bed.
It might sound strange to suggest drinking water to keep from having to use the bathroom, but Jonathan Steele, RN, executive director of WaterCures says our bodies try to maintain an internal balance of water and electrolytes. When the body tries to jettison some water, people feel the urge to get up to relieve themselves.
2. Being overheated
The National Sleep Foundation indicates that being overheated can make it hard to stay asleep. Being hot is caused by more than just the temperature in the room. Clothing, sheets, and bed covers have something to do with people being overheated, according to Dr. Marc Leavey at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland. A solution for this particular problem is to take a warm bath before going to bed and keep the room temperature between 60 and 65 degrees.
3. Using electronic devices
You might wake up during the night if you use electronic devices before going to bed. Your body is kept from making melatonin, the sleep hormone when you expose your eyes to light before retiring for the night. Dr. Richard L. Hansler of John Carroll University suggests people should refrain from using tablets, smartphones, and other electronic devices before bed because they keep them from getting a good night's sleep.
4. Stress
Stress is a sleep robber no matter what caused it. If people fall to sleep while focusing on a problem, they will more than likely wake up several times during the night. Dr. Lekeisha Sumner, a board-certified clinical psychologist at the University of California says people who meditate, pray, or recite positive mantras, will have a sounder sleep.
5. A nightcap
Alcohol has a sedative effect that can put you to sleep over the first few hours, but it can cause you to be restless the remainder of the night. If you must have an alcoholic nightcap, drink it a few hours before you go to bed so your body will have time to metabolize the alcohol before you fall asleep.To be on the safe side, just have a glass of warm milk.